And it’s easy to see why her head has caught the attention of millions of people. IT WAS LITERALLY STEAMING:
At an outdoor sporting event, Tracey’s friend recorded her head radiating steam while she enjoyed her snack.
Her friend started singing a little tune, hinting at what was happening: “When the flash starts flashing, and the flash is flashing. Flash, flash, flash, flash, flash is flashing.”
And, it is not fake! You can see the steam move with her head as she moves.
So, if you haven’t caught on yet…Tracey was having hot flashes.
And the people who’ve experienced it can relate.
When someone experiences a hot flash, they feel a sudden, intense rush of heat usually in the upper body.
And many people think Tracey’s example should be used for educational purposes.
(Even if it is frightening to some!)
If anything, it could be helpful prep for what you could expect if you are someone who may experience menopause one day.
It could also help people empathize with what you’re going through.
Double-board certified MD Kunal Sood shared more details about why this may occur on TikTok: “Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of menopause, but the exact cause is not fully understood. Most research suggests that decreasing estrogen levels make your body’s thermostat — the hypothalamus — extra sensitive to even slight temperature changes.”
“When the hypothalamus tanks are too warm, it triggers a sudden reaction. Your blood vessels widen to release heat, causing an intense wave of warmth across your face, neck, and chest. Your body sweats to cool down, and sometimes chills follow as everything resets,” he explained in his video.
So, the TL;DR is simple: Tracey was having hot flashes, and the weather was so cold outside that the heat from her head started steaming.
Anything wild happen to you while having a hot flash — or experiencing menopause in general?! Let us know in the comments!
You can see more of Tracey’s content here.