Discussing the moment on a Reddit forum, one person wrote: “I think it’s really beautiful how he publicly grieves his mother.”
“I also think it’s really beautiful, in a way, that he still does it?” somebody else replied. “She passed away in 2019, so some people may be like ‘get over it already, move on.’ But he seems really comfortable (idk if that’s the right word) that her absence and loss is something he will always live with, and there isn’t a set timeline for what it looks like to grieve someone. It’s not like ‘hey, you get three weeks for a grandma, six months for a father, maybe a full year for a mom you were close to.’ Even though society kind of seems built around that idea? I don’t know if that makes sense, but it is nice to me, a person who sobbed uncontrollably the other day because I miss my grandpa who died in 2007.”
“I lost my dad six months ago and I have cried every time Andrew Garfield has popped up on my feed since,” another commented.
One more shared: “Andrew’s public grieving and discussing grief in the wake of his mother has definitely helped me grieve mine. ❤️”
“I love how Andrew continues to keep his mother’s memory alive after her passing. I hope if I ever have kids they’d feel the same way about me,” somebody else commented, while one more observed: “Goldie looked genuinely so touched!! How sweet of him to honor her and his mother.”