Until you’ve lived with a partner, you haven’t fully discovered all of their intricacies and quirks. And sometimes, that might just be for the best. Redditor SeasonBeneficial5871 asked, “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve discovered about your partner only after moving in together?” Here’s what people said.
“My partner secretly freaks out whenever I’m cooking, and the stove is set any higher than medium-low. If I walk away for more than one second, he’ll turn it down but he doesn’t say anything.”
“She eats Oreos by taking a tall glass and filling it about three-quarters full of cookies; then she fills the glass with milk. She then waits about five minutes, stirs it all into a slurry, and eats it like a soup.”
“I had an ex who would wait until the last minute to shower and get ready but refused to use a towel to speed up the process. She’d slather herself in baby oil while still wet and wait for both of them to airdry before even starting her hair or makeup.”
“He sleeps like a vampire; sleeping on his back, with his arms straight by his sides or folded on his chest. Every. Single. Night. Some nights, he doesn’t even change his position at all. I was seriously concerned during the first couple of nights that we slept in the same bed.”
“He wanted to put all the cutlery just straight into a drawer without any divides between knives, forks, and spoons. Just… All in there in a mess.”
“My ex slept with his eyes slightly open. The first night, I thought he died. The second night, I almost performed an exorcism.”
“While I’m cooking, he insists on opening the oven MULTIPLE TIMES to check if it’s ready. It makes me fume.”
“After washing the dishes, he goes to the bathroom and washes his hands. Both the kitchen and bathroom have hand soap.”
“She doesn’t talk in her sleep but she hums. Sometimes I can make out the tune. Last night it was Pink Pony Club.”
“I always thought that when movies or TV shows feature someone talking in their sleep, and they just spout random, silly nonsense, that it was mostly for comedic effect and wasn’t really a reflection of real life. Nope. My partner talks in his sleep, and it’s always just absolutely random, silly nonsense. The most recent one was, in a tone of dismay, ‘There’s ice cream all over the stairs…’ followed by a drawn-out ‘broooooooo.’ He also periodically giggles in his sleep, which, frankly, is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen from another human.”
“He was 37 and still didn’t have a ‘spot’ or ‘home’ for his keys and wallet when he got home from work or wherever. He just randomly placed them in two separate random spots. Never the same spot. Panic ensued every single morning.”
“He wakes up every night to find something to eat from the fridge while half asleep. And he drops food all the way from the fridge back to bed.”
“He makes up songs about everything he’s doing/seeing/thinking about. I know where he’s been in the apartment because he’ll make up a song about ketchup after grabbing something from the fridge or sing a song about moisturizer while doing his skincare. And, of course, he tends to make up silly songs about me most of all.”
“My boyfriend essentially needs blizzard conditions to sleep (ceiling fan, side fan, completely naked). Sometimes puts an ice pack under his pillow. He also puts blizzard sound effects on his earphones to drop them off. If I’m there, he also constantly hugs, squeezes, or wraps himself around me…”
“She leaves small amounts of food in their containers instead of finishing them off. Cereal, chips, milk. It’s infuriating. Putting up with it for 18 years. It’s not worth fighting over. I know that if I really want something to eat, I expect it not to have a servings worth before I open it. And, once she gets it that low, she won’t finish it off. I either finish it or throw it away.”
“He will occasionally (usually when I’m not around to be appalled) eat dry tortellini straight out of the bag when he’s reading in bed. Dry. Tortellini.”
“She doesn’t fully close cabinets or lids. She’ll leave out a jar of anything (jelly, peanut butter, etc) and give the lid a quarter turn, then call it a day.”
“He has a snot shirt. When he gets any kind of respiratory sickness, he takes a shirt out and puts it on his nightstand and blows his nose in it during the night. He says it’s cheaper and softer than tissues.”
“He set tons of alarms, none of which actually wake him up.”
“Every single cup of coffee is left a quarter full around the apartment.”
“We have a shoe rack. He has never used it. He prefers instead to discard his shoes in a semicircle around the front door like a booby trap for me, his incredibly clumsy fiancée. I love him even though my life is constantly at risk.”
What surprising or bizarre habit or tendency did you learn about a partner only after moving in together? Tell us in the comments or in this anonymous form.