People Are Revealing The Secrets That They’re Taking To Their Graves


And lastly, “My grandmother lived with us when I was growing up. When I got my driver’s license, I had to share a car with her. One time, I was trying to back out of a really tight spot and scraped the car next to me; I did a hit-and-run and never told anyone about it. When my parents saw the scrape on our car, they asked both of us about it, and I denied knowing anything. My grandmother also denied it, of course, but because she was old (88 at the time), my parents assumed she did it and forgot (we later determined she was actually developing Alzheimer’s).

“It caused a huge fight and caused them to take her keys away and not let her drive anymore. I never told anyone and got sole use of the car for myself (with the stipulation that I needed to drive her to church every week or anywhere else she wanted to go).

This happened about 25 years ago, and she passed a few years later.”


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