Oceanographers record the largest predation event ever observed in the ocean

There is power in numbers, or so the saying goes. But in the ocean, scientists are finding that fish that group together don’t necessarily survive together. In some cases, the more fish there are, the larger a target they make for predators.

This is what MIT and Norwegian oceanographers observed recently when they explored a wide swath of ocean off the coast of Norway during the height of spawning season for capelin — a small Arctic fish about the size of an anchovy. Billions of capelin migrate each February from the edge of the Arctic ice sheet southward to the Norwegian coast, to lay their eggs. Norway’s coastline is also a stopover for capelin’s primary predator, the Atlantic cod. As cod migrate south, they feed on spawning capelin, though scientists have not measured this process over large scales until now.

Reporting their findings in Nature Communications Biology, the MIT team captured interactions between individual migrating cod and spawning capelin, over a huge spatial extent. Using a sonic-based wide-area imaging technique, they watched as random capelin began grouping together to form a massive shoal spanning tens of kilometers. As the capelin shoal formed a sort of ecological “hotspot,” the team observed individual cod begin to group together in response, forming a huge shoal of their own. The swarming cod overtook the capelin, quickly consuming over 10 million fish, estimated to be more than half of the gathered prey.

The dramatic encounter, which took place over just a few hours, is the largest such predation event ever recorded, both in terms of the number of individuals involved and the area over which the event occurred.

This one event is unlikely to weaken the capelin population as a whole; the preyed-upon shoal represents 0.1 percent of the capelin that spawn in the region. However, as climate change causes the Arctic ice sheet to retreat, capelin will have to swim farther to spawn, making the species more stressed and vulnerable to natural predation events such as the one the team observed. As capelin sustains many fish species, including cod, continuously monitoring their behavior, at a resolution approaching that of individual fish and across large scales spanning tens of thousands of square kilometers, will help efforts to maintain the species and the health of the ocean overall.

“In our work we are seeing that natural catastrophic predation events can change the local predator prey balance in a matter of hours,” says Nicholas Makris, professor of mechanical and ocean engineering at MIT. “That’s not an issue for a healthy population with many spatially distributed population centers or ecological hotspots. But as the number of these hotspots deceases due to climate and anthropogenic stresses, the kind of natural ‘catastrophic’ predation event we witnessed of a keystone species could lead to dramatic consequences for that species as well as the many species dependent on them.”

Makris’ co-authors on the paper are Shourav Pednekar and Ankita Jain at MIT, and Olav Rune Godø of the Institute of Marine Research in Norway.

Bell sounds

For their new study, Makris and his colleagues reanalyzed data that they gathered during a cruise in February of 2014 to the Barents Sea, off the coast of Norway. During that cruise, the team deployed the Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (OAWRS) system — a sonic imaging technique that employs a vertical acoustic array, attached to the bottom of a boat, to send sound waves down into the ocean and out in all directions. These waves can travel over large distances as they bounce off any obstacles or fish in their path.

The same or a second boat, towing an array of acoustic receivers, continuously picks up the scattered and reflected waves, from as far as many tens of kilometers away. Scientists can then analyze the collected waveforms to create instantaneous maps of the ocean over a huge areal extent.

Previously, the team reconstructed maps of individual fish and their movements, but could not distinguish between different species. In the new study, the researchers applied a new “multispectral” technique to differentiate between species based on the characteristic acoustic resonance of their swim bladders.

“Fish have swim bladders that resonate like bells,” Makris explains. “Cod have large swim bladders that have a low resonance, like a Big Ben bell, whereas capelin have tiny swim bladders that resonate like the highest notes on a piano.”

By reanalyzing OAWRS data to look for specific frequencies of capelin versus cod, the researchers were able to image fish groups, determine their species content, and map the movements of each species over a huge areal extent.

Watching a wave

The researchers applied the multi-spectral technique to OAWRS data collected on Feb. 27, 2014, at the peak of the capelin spawning season. In the early morning hours, their new mapping showed that capelin largely kept to themselves, moving as random individuals, in loose clusters along the Norwegian coastline. As the sun rose and lit the surface waters, the capelin began to descend to darker depths, possibly seeking places along the seafloor to spawn.

The team observed that as the capelin descended, they began shifting from individual to group behavior, ultimately forming a huge shoal of about 23 million fish that moved in a coordinated wave spanning over ten kilometers long.

“What we’re finding is capelin have this critical density, which came out of a physical theory, which we have now observed in the wild,” Makris says. “If they are close enough to each other, they can take on the average speed and direction of other fish that they can sense around them, and can then form a massive and coherent shoal.”

As they watched, the shoaling fish began to move as one, in a coherent behavior that has been observed in other species but never in capelin until now. Such coherent migration is thought to help fish save energy over large distances by essentially riding the collective motion of the group.

In this instance, however, as soon as the capelin shoal formed, it attracted increasing numbers of cod, which quickly formed a shoal of their own, amounting to about 2.5 million fish, based on the team’s acoustic mapping. Over a few short hours, the cod consumed 10.5 million capelin over tens of kilometers before both shoals dissolved and the fish scattered away. Makris suspects that such massive and coordinated predation is a common occurrence in the ocean, though this is the first time that scientists have been able to document such an event.

“It’s the first time seeing predator-prey interaction on a huge scale, and it’s a coherent battle of survival,” Makris says. “This is happening over a monstrous scale, and we’re watching a wave of capelin zoom in, like a wave around a sports stadium, and they kind of gather together to form a defense. It’s also happening with the predators, coming together to coherently attack.”

The team hopes to deploy OAWRS in the future to monitor the large-scale dynamics among other species of fish.

“It’s been shown time and again that, when a population is on the verge of collapse, you will have that one last shoal. And when that last big, dense group is gone, there’s a collapse,” Makris says. “So you’ve got to know what’s there before it’s gone, because the pressures are not in their favor.”

This work was supported, in part, by the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the Institute of Marine Research in Norway.

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