“My Jaw Actually Dropped”: 22 People Share The Sacrifices They’ve Made To Combat High Food Costs

“My oldest is autistic and has few safe foods, scrambled eggs being one of them. I’m scrambling to find a new protein that she will eat (pun intended).

As a stay-at-home mom, baking with my kids was always a fun sensory activity that we all enjoyed. That, too, has fallen to the wayside as I feel like I can’t justify just making things for fun with my kids anymore. I purchase all the food for an intended recipe with tiny leftovers before the next grocery run.

Keeping our grocery bill the same as a year ago is stressful. Finding affordable foods my picky toddlers will eat, and not waste, is stressful. Finding new activities to replace the time we used to play ‘bakery” is stressful. Watching our pantry slowly empty as I can no longer afford to buy extra on hand is stressful. We are super lucky, and I do not worry my kids will go hungry, but that’s the only thing I’m not currently stressed about…yet.”

—Melanie, Colorado, 37

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