Martin Lawrence Explained Why He Wants Eddie Murphy To Give The Toast At Their Kids’ Wedding, And His Answer Makes Total Sense

Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence are among the funniest actors in Hollywood who have made a ton of successful comedies and great action movies over the years. Both of them got their start in the ‘80s, and they have been in movies together like 1992’s Boomerang and 1999’s Life. Their latest collaboration? Their kids are getting married to each other, and they’re about to be in-laws. So, of course, people have all the questions about how the wedding will play out and which dad will give the toast.

We know already that Eddie Murphy has asked Martin Lawrence to pay for the wedding since it’s customary for the father of the bride to shell out the cash, and Murphy literally has ten kids (six of which are daughters). However, what about the wedding toasts? Here’s what Lawrence had to say about it:

I might let Eddie do the toasts. He’s funnier.

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