I Never Thought I’d Have Much In Common With Kim Kardashian, But She Just Shared How She ‘Winds Down’ And Same, Girl

Kim Kardashian and I don’t have much in common. She’s known for her curves while I have an athletic build. Her main mansion oozes space and aesthetic appeal while my own house would probably be considered “homey.” She goes to stunning events and parties, while my big night out might be going to the brewery I love by the train station. However, she just shared one big way she loves to unwind, and as it turns out we do have at least one thing in common: Dateline.

Oh yes, I’m obsessed with Dateline. I watch it on TV but I also love it in Spotify podcast form. I watch it so much that I have preferred journalists when I’m listening to episodes, including my main squeeze Lester Holt. (Keith Morrison, you gotta stop giving away too much in the intro, man!)

And Kim apparently “winds down” to Dateline too, as she shared in a recent Stories post.

(Image credit: Kim Kardashian, NBC)

It makes sense. Kim’s criminal justice work is a real passion project of hers, and she’s made it a mission to speak in public and to help to set reform policy. As part of that work, she’s had a relatively good relationship with NBC, doing previous interviews with the now-defunct Hoda & Jenna segment and even penning her own op ed for the news conglomerate at one point about the release of the Menendez brothers after new projects shed light on the story of Lyle and Erik. She says she does really empathize with victims but ultimately wants to get to the truth with her work.

To any family I am extremely compassionate. I obviously put myself into the victim’s hearts, thinking if this was my family or if this was my child, I could completely understand how they feel. But I would 100% want to make sure that we have the right person.

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