“Win or Lose,” the first-ever long-form series from Pixar, was originally set to feature a transgender storyline that ended up being cut by Disney, Variety has learned.
Premiering on Feb. 11, “Win or Lose” will follow eight members of a middle school softball team as they gear up for their championship game. Each episode follows a different character, and the show is intended to highlight various perspectives — including “the insecure kids, their helicopter parents, even a lovesick umpire” per the official logline — but a trans perspective will no longer be a part of that. A source tells Variety that references to one of the characters’ gender identity was removed, affecting a few lines of dialogue in the show’s later episodes, though it appears that there was not a full episode devoted to the subject matter.
“When it comes to animated content for a younger audience, we recognize that many parents would prefer to discuss certain subjects with their children on their own terms and timeline,” said a spokesperson for Disney.
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