California's dirty democrats exposed! – Greenpeace – Greenpeace

Dirty. Deceitful. Democrats. They take industry money and cover for the oil and gas industry’s lies and deception and then claim to do so in the interest of working people. They hide behind their political party affiliation hoping we won’t notice.

Well, the jig is up. This spring, Greenpeace USA, California Working Families Party and Courage California, along with other local and statewide allies are exposing California’s Dirty Dems — the Democratic State Assembly Members and Senators who take the most money from the oil and gas industry and have a poor voting record on progressive issues. 

Californians, who are paying for the climate crisis with their lives, homes, money, and so much more, are tired of corrupt politicians making callous decisions about our future. It’s time to hold our leaders accountable to the families and communities they serve. 

Are you ready to meet these Dirty Dems? Each week we will surprise the messiest Democratic legislators with events in their district to confront their climate records and demand they pledge to do better. Words aren’t enough — it’s time for action.

Urge your legislator (Dirty Dem or not!) to take the no fossil fuels money pledge.

Thousands of candidates and elected officials have already taken the pledge. Make sure your legislator knows that true leaders answer to the people, not to corporate donors. 

Are you in Assembly Member Nguyen’s district? Demand that she do better by your community and take the no fossil fuel money pledge.

Stephanie Nguyen — Assembly Member, District 10

Stephanie Nguyen chooses corporate money over clean communities.

Representing the 10th District of South Sacramento’s Elk Grove area, Assembly Member Stephanie Nguyen has directly accepted $31K from the oil and gas industry, as well as personal gifts from the Western States Petroleum Association (the largest trade association representing the oil and gas industry in California). And during her election in 2022, a PAC funded primarily by big oil companies, including Chevron, spent $900K to get her elected.

Assembly Member Nguyen has a shocking pattern of abstaining from voting on progressive priorities. She has received an F grade across the board from multiple environmental and environmental justice scorecards since she has been in office and she is on Courage California’s Hall of Shame.

A few of the lowlights of Nguyen’s time in office:
— Skipped the vote on a bill aimed at reducing noxious pollutants (linked to asthma and cancer) from being released into our communities
— Skipped votes on multiple bills aimed at ensuring the oil and gas industry pays to clean up idle wells quickly and not stick taxpayers with the bill
— Skipped the vote on a bill allowing the Civil Rights Department to better investigate and enforce civil rights violations
— Voted against protections for grocery workers, against increasing the number of paid sick days, and against strengthening labor law enforcement

Are you in Rep Nguyen’s district? Demand that she do better by your community and take the no fossil fuel money pledge.

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