“Bigorexia” Is Plaguing Younger Folks Right Now. Here’s What You Need To Know.

There are many ways parents can help counteract the forces that fuel body image issues and psychological disorders like bigorexia. 

“Limit social media consumption as much as possible, but recognize that you cannot eliminate it altogether,” Trunzo advised. “Your child will be exposed to these images, so talk to them about what they are seeing. Listen to what they say, how they interpret what they see, make sure they understand the reality behind what they are viewing and are not ‘buying’ the image.”

He also recommended emphasizing values of human worth and dignity that go beyond physical appearance. Focus on qualities like kindness, creativity, humor, etc. 

“It’s important to provide support by creating a safe space for open conversations,” Becker said. “Be a positive role model by demonstrating a healthy attitude toward your own body and self-esteem.”

Pay attention to the comments you make about your own bodies in front of your children and the attitudes toward exercise and food you’re displaying. Be mindful of the kinds of messages your kids are getting from their entertainment and social media activity.

“Parents should challenge unhealthy and unhelpful messaging about ‘perfect bodies’ and social acceptance,” Gooding advised. “Body diversity should be discussed and praised. Conversations surrounding exercise should include messages about proper fueling, refueling, rest, and balance in workouts.”

When images of buff celebrities appear on your child’s radar, provide context.

“I’ve been having conversations with my 9-year-old son like, ‘Let’s read what Hugh Jackman said about what he had to do to transform into Wolverine and look like this,’” said therapist Cherie Miller, who is CEO and clinical director at Nourished Soul Center for Healing. “It’s a chance to say, ‘You know, this isn’t normal, this isn’t realistic, and this is not something that we should try to attain.’” 

She focuses on “body respect” ― reminding her children that we care about our bodies and want to take care of them, so we do things like drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and eating a variety of foods. The goal is to avoid extremes and know that bodies are great because of the functions they serve in helping us live our lives.

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