“I worked at Magic Kingdom some years ago. I have a lot of stories of entitled guests and some wonderful people that I have met over my time there, but one stands out. I worked with the ice cream carts — every single cart in the park. One day, I was working the popcorn and churro cart in front of the storybook circus, and our carts could see the Dumbo ride. It was not too busy in the parks that day, and most of the rides were walk-on. Well, as Dumbo was loading up its next group of people, a woman screamed in horror. We turned around and watched as this woman picked up her toddler and ran away from the ride. We thought that someone might have pooped on the ride or maybe left something nasty on it and just didn’t tell anyone. The cast member went to look, then told everyone to leave and contacted their leadership team.”
“Well, two minutes after the leadership team showed up, we were all nosy; even some of the guests that wanted snacks were watching along with us as an entire group of security showed up and surrounded the elephant car on the ride, then two Orange County officers showed up, gloves on and a paper bag. All of us were so curious about what the hell they saw in the car. What was going on? They all talked for about 10 minutes when my leadership showed up. We told them about the woman screaming and said we didn’t know what was happening on the ride.
Then, we heard a man shouting, ‘It’s mine! It’s mine!’ This man ran to the ride. Then, we all saw it as the cop lifted it up from the car. It was a handgun. This man had it concealed, and this was before Disney installed the metal detectors. All they did was check your bags and strollers. He had it in a holster underneath his shirt, and it fell out when he was on the ride with his kid. We watched as the family was escorted out of the park with Orange County officers right behind the dad and Disney security behind the family.”