We all have our preferences. That’s what makes us human. And when it comes to food, that’s why they make chocolate and vanilla and even strawberry. Well, Redditor Long-mustach asked, “What’s a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?” Here’s what people said.
“White chocolate. It’s disgusting. I’d rather have dark, bitter, baking chocolate. White chocolate is just sugary trash.”
“Overnight oats. Really, who wants to eat soggy, cold, raw oats?”
“Truffle Oil. It smells like a high school locker room and is so pervasive it will absolutely ruin food for me. Even someone else at the table having truffle oil will ruin my food. I’ve never had real truffles. I think I would like them as I love mushrooms. But Truffle Oil should be abolished.”
“Cake pops. I have a hunch that cake pops are a chef’s excuse to repurpose old or excess cake.”
“For me, it’s oysters. I grew up on the Gulf Coast, so I’ve always sort of felt like a pariah because I hate them so much. They’re nasty little filter feeders that taste too much like the murky waters they live in, have a slimy texture, and are extremely susceptible to passing along several types of food poisoning to whoever consumes them. Yeah, sign me up.”
“Peeps. I really cannot stand Peeps.”
“Any Oreo that isn’t the original Oreo flavor.”
“I hate LeCroix. It tastes like a strawberry died, and its ghost briefly passed through some carbonated water.”
“Chocolate ice cream. I love ice cream. I love chocolate. But whenever I have chocolate ice cream, it’s inferior to any other kind of ice cream and doesn’t have the amount of chocolatey flavor I could get from cake, brownies, or a chocolate bar.”
“American cheese. It literally just tastes like plastic, and I’m not convinced it isn’t actually plastic.”
“IPAs. It’s pretty much the only type of beer I can’t stand. It is unfortunate, too, because all the fun-named beers with funky cans at the store or bar are ALL freaking IPAs!”
“Lobster, it’s just a giant sea bug with bland meat. Just eat some shrimp and save yourself the money.”
“I’m not sure when hot honey became all the rage, but y’all need to tone it down a bit.”
“Avocado toast. Yeah, I said it. I’m a millennial woman, and I cannot understand why everyone’s obsessed with paying $15 for mushy green stuff on bread. It tastes like nothing and has the texture of baby food.”
“Red velvet baked goods. Everything I’ve had that is red velvet has been quite mid.”
“Chocolate-covered strawberries. The textures don’t work well together, and they do not taste any better than the sum of their parts.”
“Bubble tea. My daughter loves it, but I just can’t get into it. We have tried it at locations all over the world, and it’s a nope for me.”
“Big hamburgers. I do not see the appeal of a thick slab of half-cooked meat that I need to dislocate my jaw like a snake to take a bite out of.”
“Any over-the-top fussy designed cake made of fondant. You need fondant to hold the shape of a lot of those ornate looks, but the texture is like rubber, and Play-Doh has more flavor.”
“Twinkies… Why are they so damn greasy!?”
“Pickles. Absolutely horrible. If you serve a pickle with my meal and it’s not listed on the menu I will send it back. The brine soaks into everything in the basket or plate, so everything tastes like pickles. You can’t just pick it off.”
“Mac ‘n’ cheese. I know I’ll get crucified for this, but it’s just mushy noodles drowning in processed cheese. My family acts like I committed a crime whenever I pass on it at gatherings, but I just can’t handle the texture. Give me literally anything else.”
“Kale tastes like burnt tires. I don’t know if kale qualifies as ‘universally loved,’ but it’s certainly trendy and is in way too many things.”
“Macarons. They’re just expensive, fancy-looking sugar bombs that everyone photographs for Instagram. Half the time, they’re stale, and when they’re fresh, they’re still just…meh.”
Do you have something to add? What is a commonly loved food that you simply can’t stand or don’t understand the hype behind? Tell us in the comments or in this anonymous form.