OTC hearing aids are only approved for adults with mild or moderate hearing loss. Children with hearing loss or those with severe hearing loss should seek professional assessments to determine their hearing needs.
So, how do you know if you should buy OTC hearing aids? Generally, hearing loss happens gradually over time. You may not even know it’s happening.
Common signs you have hearing loss include, but are not limited to:
- Mishearing words or asking people to repeat themselves
- Having a difficult time following conversations when you’re in a noisy environment
- Things sounding muffled
- Having to turn up the volume to hear music or TV
While you aren’t required to have a hearing assessment before buying OTC hearing aids, Creed still recommends it, especially since most health insurance plans cover the cost of a hearing evaluation.
“The best way to know if you need hearing aids is to see a certified audiologist for a comprehensive audiological evaluation. This will tell you if you have hearing loss and, if so, what type and how severe. This information, taken together with your lifestyle needs and goals, will help you decide whether an OTC hearing aid is your best choice or if your needs would be better addressed by a prescription hearing aid,” says Creed.