Watching Stressful Dramas Like ‘The Pitt’ Before Bed? Here’s What a Sleep Doctor Thinks

The gritty new Max medical drama The Pitt treats viewers to mile-a-minute sights and sounds of a hospital emergency room. We’re talking a mangled foot, patients waiting in the hallway demanding sandwiches, and an attending doctor who can’t find time to pee. If this sounds like your idea of a good time, you’ve got company. The show, starring and co-produced by ER alum Noah Wyle, is getting positive reviews from critics and viewers. And while fans are mostly praising the show for its realism, some are also overwhelmed by the fast-paced life-and-death stakes. “Started watching The Pitt on HBO and uh what the f*ck lmao I’m so stressed out???” says Threads user dr.bookish.biologist.

Hospital dramas have long captured viewers’ attention. However, The Pitt is particularly engrossing because each hour-long episode depicts one hour of a 15-hour-long shift. That makes watching the show feel like you’re actually shadowing the doctors as they barely have a moment to breathe (or pee). But adrenaline junkies are clearly hungry for more: The Pitt has got viewers so juiced on the rollercoaster of hospital life that ER has shot back to the top of streaming charts.

Can bingeing a stressful drama have any ramifications, especially if it’s one of the last things you do before bed? The Pitt and ER have the added benefit of subjecting us to gory medical procedures. “DO NOT WATCH THE PITT WHILE EATING,” posts Threads user MikesBloggity in all-caps.

If you’re like me, catching up on The Pitt might make you see intubation procedures when you close your eyes. But it could also… do nothing.

“Everyone has their own tolerances,” sleep expert William Lu, MD, the medical director at sleep clinic Dreem Health tells Well+Good. “Some might watch a horror film and sleep just fine while others may be very stressed by watching this specific content.” Lu says some patients experience stress dreams that mirror the content of whatever stressful TV, movie show, book, or news article they read in the evening.

Generally, Lu advises that people have a buffer between bedtime and TV time. Having a sleep routine that signifies to your brain to get ready for sleep can help promote a good night’s rest. He suggests reading, taking a shower, or meditating.

If TV is part of your bedtime routine, Dr. Lu says to limit anything that personally causes you stress. No matter the cause, experiencing stress before bed can get the cortisol flowing, which can physiologically impact both your ability to fall asleep and your sleep quality throughout the night. “A prerequisite for sleep is to feel comfortable and calm,” Lu says.

When it comes to stressful content, the most important thing is how you personally react. Some people actually find stressful TV shows relaxing thanks to the distraction from everyday life, or the adrenaline rush that can improve mood. But if you find it’s affecting your sleep, take stock and look for another way to wind down.

So unless you’re experiencing sleep problems after watching stressful dramas, there’s nothing inherently wrong, sleep-wise, with watching ER doctors try to save lives in an understaffed hospital. If that’s what sends you off to a dreamland free of life-threatening injuries, you do you.

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