Gardening is such a rewarding hobby. Whether you’re transforming your entire backyard into a blooming oasis or simply planting a few flowers or veggies, there’s something deeply satisfying about connecting with nature and watching your garden grow. But gardening tools aren’t always cheap, so finding ways to save money is a smart move.
One budget-friendly place to pick up gardening supplies is Dollar Tree. But if you’ve never shopped there, it can feel overwhelming. We asked Courtney Sixx, founder of Bouquet Box, to share the best gardening tools and supplies to buy at Dollar Tree.
- Courtney Sixx, founder of Bouquet Box, a DIY floral arrangement kit
No matter what you’re trying to grow, gloves are essential. “Protection for your hands is a must—protection from dirt, blisters, and getting cut by branches or thorns,” Sixx says, “You cannot have enough of these.” And at such a great price, it doesn’t hurt to pick up a few extra pairs.
Sixx recommends placing a latex glove inside or outside of your fabric gloves if needed, as well. “No matter how much you scrub your hands, sometimes dirt will take days to get out,” she says. So having an extra layer of protection is never a bad idea.
Small Shovel
Every gardener and plant enthusiast needs at least one shovel. “Shovels are handy for planting and digging up weeds,” Sixx says. “The more pointed the end is, the easier it is to dig.” She recommends keeping several in different spots in your garden—and with Dollar Tree’s prices, you certainly can.
Pruning Shears
According to the Sixx, pruning shears are essential for cleaning up, pruning, and shaping. “They’re your best friend for grabbing larger bundles to cut and trimming bigger limbs,” she says. “They do the job for you and take the strain off your hands.”
Point Pruning Shears
Whether you’re cutting indoor or outdoor plants, point pruning shears are a must-have. “They’re great for delicate trimming of indoor and outdoor plants—deadheading smaller plants, as well as removing dead leaves from indoor plants,” says Sixx.
To avoid spreading plant diseases and pests, Sixx suggests always wiping your shears with alcohol between uses on different plants.
Metal Trellis
A metal trellis is useful for smaller climbing potted plants or those that need to be held back along a path. “I would say these are optional because it’s nice to have plants cascade down in pots, as well,” Sixx says. “It just gives you options.”
Misters and Sprayers
Dollar Tree’s misters are great for indoor plants and flowers, Sixx says. However, for larger outdoor plants, she recommends using sprayer bottles instead. But at around a buck each, why not put both in your cart?
Rakes are essential, especially in fall or spring. “It gathers a lot of materials at once, and you can use it to pick up large loads for your compost or trash bin,” Sixx says.
Hand Cultivators
Short on time? Picking up a set of hand cultivators at Dollar Tree will make gardening easier, Sixx says. “These speed up the pulling and digging out of unwanted growth,” she explains. She adds that they also help aerate the soil, and if you add compost, they’ll assist in mixing it in.