Key Takeaways
- Chia seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds are some of the healthiest seeds to eat, according to nutrition experts we interviewed.
- These seeds provide important nutrients like protein, fiber, iron, and various other vitamins and minerals.
“Convince me you have a seed there,” Henry David Thoreau wrote, “and I am prepared to expect wonders.” The famous naturalist of Walden Pond referred to the power of a seed to build a forest. Little did he know that his thoughts apply to the power seeds have to nourish us, too. They are, without question, among touted superfoods that really live up to their hype.
Inside a seed’s hard coating is an entire embryonic plant, surrounded by all the food it needs to thrive once dispersed in soil. Consistently incorporate seeds into your diet, and you’ll reap benefits from those nutrients, making seeds well worth the addition.
The seeds listed here are among the healthiest, and most stay fresh up to a year when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Consider them worthy alternatives to nuts (which are actually shelled fruits that contain seeds). All these seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with everything from a healthy brain and heart to supple skin. Each also boasts distinctive dietary offerings, along with unique flavors that transform everyday ingredients into new favorites packed with nutrients. Read on for nutrition facts and benefits of our top six super seeds.
Chia Seeds
Calories per serving: 70 per tablespoon (dry)
Notable nutrients: Fiber and calcium
Digestive maintenance: One tablespoon of chia seeds has more fiber than a slice of whole-grain bread. This roughage enhances digestion and makes you feel fuller, according to New York City nutritionist Lauren Slayton.
Heart health: Fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Also, a 2014 study showed a link between chia flour and reduced blood pressure in people with hypertension.
Better bones: Don’t like dairy? One ounce of chia seeds offers the same amount of calcium as ½ cup of milk.
Try them as pudding: Check out our vanilla-cinnamon chia pudding recipe and top it off with granola or fruit for a crunchier or sweeter touch.
Sunflower Seeds
Calories per serving: 204 in ¼ cup
Notable nutrients: Vitamin E and selenium
Antioxidant boost: One serving of sunflower seeds provides almost a full daily dose of vitamin E, which helps keep brain cells healthy and cholesterol at bay. In a 2014 study, Alzheimer’s patients who consumed vitamin E daily experienced functional decline more slowly than those who abstained.
Try them with spices: Mix ½ cup of these sweet, buttery seeds with a pinch each of salt, cumin, chili powder, and cinnamon; and then dry-roast in a pan over medium heat for 4 to 5 minutes. Toss over guacamole, tacos, or salads.
Calories per serving: 75 in 2 tablespoons (ground)
Notable nutrients: Fiber and alpha linoleic acid (ALA)
Diabetes prevention: A 2011 study reported that prediabetic subjects who daily ate flaxseed (which is rich in sugar-regulating fiber) raised their insulin sensitivity slightly after 12 weeks. Another study published in 2012 suggested flaxseed may be better at lowering LDL cholesterol (yep, the bad kind) when it’s stirred into viscous foods (like yogurt) rather than sprinkled onto solids.
Omega-3 boost: One ounce of flaxseed has more than twice the omega-3s (in the form of ALA) as 4 ounces of salmon.
Try them on oatmeal: Sprinkle ground flaxseed (it comes packaged this way) on oatmeal with honey.
Hemp Seeds
Calories per serving: 90 in 2 tablespoons
Notable nutrients: Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and protein
Inflammation relief: Hemp (which isn’t hallucinogenic) is an unusual food source of GLA, an anti-inflammatory. This may explain why it’s linked to skin and joint health, says Cathy Deimeke, a registered dietitian at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix.
Protein power: Hemp is also a rare vegan source of all nine essential amino acids (the protein building blocks that the body can’t make). A 2013 study of rats suggested hemp protein helps to reduce hypertension.
Try them in pesto: Hemp seeds taste like potent pine nuts, so they’re great in Superfood pesto. Puree a handful of these seeds with garlic, grated Parmesan, extra-virgin olive oil, fresh basil, and arugula in a food processor.
Pumpkin Seeds
Calories per serving: 180 in ¼ cup
Notable nutrients: Protein and zinc
Immunity boost: Pumpkin seeds are a valuable source of zinc, which helps keep immune cells functioning properly. One ounce of pumpkin seeds provides about 20 percent of zinc’s daily recommended value. Only a handful of other foods (such as beef and pork) offer the same.
Muscle tone: One serving offers almost 10 grams of protein—remarkable for a vegan source. That’s slightly more than in ½ cup of black beans.
Try them on toast: Schmear a slice of toast with mashed avocado, and then sprinkle with sea salt and pumpkin seeds; but don’t toast the seeds, which reduces their nutritional content. If you’d rather munch on them plain, try our Sweet and salty pumpkin seeds recipe.
Sesame Seeds
Calories per serving: 103 in 2 tablespoons
Notable nutrients: Phytosterol and iron
Cholesterol control: Sesame seeds are rich in phytosterol, which “sticks to cholesterol like a fly to flypaper,” says Rebecca Scritchfield, a registered dietitian in Washington, D.C. Some studies looking into the connection between sesame seeds and cholesterol found that daily consumption of sesame seeds had positive effects on lipid levels, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels.
Healthy tissues: Just ¼ cup has more than five times more iron (which delivers oxygen to cells) than 1 cup of raw spinach.
Try them on salmon: Marinate fish in a soy-honey sauce, coat with sesame seeds, and then bake or fry in a nonstick pan until seeds form a crispy crust (which intensifies their nutty flavor).