5 Things You Should Declutter Before Spring Starts

Spring is right around the corner, making it the perfect time for a fresh start. So, why not take this opportunity to clean out the unnecessary clutter that may have piled up over the holidays and winter months before things get really busy as the weather warms up? If you’re not sure where to begin, we’ve got you covered. Here are five things to declutter before the new season arrives.

  • Heidi Ganser Lang, professional organizer and owner of Juniper Organizer
  • Corey Pence, senior manager of in-home organizing at The Container Store

Things You Didn’t Wear During Winter

Did you buy that ski jacket on sale only to never wear it and later regret it? It’s okay! We all have lapses in judgment. But Heidi Ganser Lang, professional organizer and owner of Juniper Organizer, recommends just donating it. “It will not be more in style next year, so if you didn’t wear it this winter, let it go,” she says.

Try and devote some time to a thorough closet decluttering session. Give away things that are in good condition but perhaps no longer your style, and make room for those spring pieces you’re excited to start wearing soon. 

Expired Medicine Cabinet Supplies

Lang recommends going through your medicine cabinet and discarding expired medications and first aid essentials. After all, if something is expired or nearly empty, it won’t be much help when you need it most. “Check the expiration on allergy medications, sunscreens, bug sprays, Neosporin, and other similar products,” she says. “Then replace them, so you’re ready as soon as they’re needed.”

Miscellaneous Drop Zone Items

Every home has at least one “drop zone“—that spot where everything gets tossed as soon as you walk inside. From mail to coats and shoes, it quickly becomes a dumping ground that can be challenging to maintain. Corey Pence, manager of in-home organizing at The Container Store, suggests prioritizing this spot. 

So where should you begin? She recommends clearing out old mail, such as bills you already pay online and circulars for businesses you’re unlikely to try (after all, you’re pretty satisfied with your current dry cleaner). Don’t forget the clutter your kids leave behind, too. “Toss school papers that aren’t essential, and get rid of pencils without erasers or dried-up markers,” Pence says.

If there are things you want to keep, she suggests creating a memory box for each child or event. “Limit the contents to one box per category to help you keep the collection curated as new items continue to come in,” she advises.

Broken-Down Gear in the Garage

Garages don’t just store cars—they store everything from furniture to tools and extra toilet paper. According to Pence, it’s crucial to give this space some attention now. “As spring arrives, give your garage a once-over,” she says. “Pull your car out to get a clear view of what’s in there. Are there outdoor items that need replacing?”

Consider letting go of things like well-worn pool noodles, incomplete camping gear, skates that no longer fit, or a bike that’s too small. All of these items should go. “Ensure they have proper storage and a designated spot,” Pence says. “If not, consider adding wall storage or swapping out containers to keep them safe for years to come.”

Finally, sweep the floor. “It’s amazing how a quick sweep can tidy up a space!” Pence says.

Old Pantry Goods

Lastly, your pantry could probably use a good decluttering as well. “After the holidays and winter nesting, pantries can get a little cluttered,” Lang says. Empty yours out, clean the shelves, and toss anything that’s expired. “You’ll be amazed how much you can eliminate just based on expiration dates!” she adds.

Don’t forget to get rid of anything you know you just won’t use, like that lentil pasta that wasn’t as tasty as you thought it would be or those apple cinnamon snack bars your little ones never liked. The pro organizer also recommends using this clean-out as an opportunity to line your shelves for a fresh start.

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