“There was always a rumor that ran around my family that my grandmother was not who she thought she was. My great-aunt always hated her, and the rest of the family would keep my grandmother at arm’s length. The rumor was that my grandmother was not related to anyone in our family and that she was won during a poker game when she was a baby. A few years ago, my uncle really got into the whole 23andMe/genealogy thing and figured out the cousins that he was supposed to have DNA matches with (because of my grandmother) had ZERO matches. He was getting matches with a bunch of other people who were from the same general area.”
“He finally reached out to one of them, and THEY had an old family story about how someone in their family had a massive gambling problem during the Depression. He was trying to pull a fast one on one of the guys during a poker game and thought that by putting his newborn daughter up in the pot, the guy would fold, and he would get all of the money. Except the guy DIDN’T fold and won the hand (and my grandmother).”