Brewsy is a small business that specializes in affordable, app-enabled cider, wine, and mead kits. Note: you have to provide your own jug or juice bottle (there’s one on Amazon if you don’t already have a vessel large enough!).
Promising review: “I’ve been interested in making my own wine for awhile, but getting started can be costly and time consuming. This kit is a great way to get started for very little money or time. The instructions are easy to follow, and the ability to use any juice at all means you can make some really unique flavors. I have already made one batch of wine using grape juice because I didn’t want to get too wild on my first batch. It was sweeter then most red wines I’ve bought, but tasted great and the alcohol content was at least 12 percent. I base that on my body’s reaction after drinking two glasses. I recommend these for yourself or a friend, I think it’s a great buy and product.” —Maximillion M.
Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in cider, mead, or wine kits).