26 Dramatic Wedding Stories About People Getting Left At The Altar That I Can’t Believe Happened


“A buddy of mine left someone at the altar, and we were his accomplice. A buddy of ours was going to marry this girl he had known for a few years. He was expressing doubt but racked it up to being nervous about marriage. The night before, he broke down crying and thought he was making a mistake. We said that if he didn’t want to do it he didn’t have to, but we encouraged him to go through with it. On the day of the wedding, he is at the altar waiting for her to walk down the aisle. My buddy is sweating like a mad man.”

“My other friends and I notice and think he is about to pass out. Then it happens. He starts rocking back and forth. He looks like he is about to faint, and he slowly starts side shuffling. My buddies look at each other and just know what is about to happen. The groom turns to his right and starts heading to the side door. Some people in the church notice, and they gasp. He beelines to the door and goes outside. Me and my buddies followed him. At this point, I just thought he needed air. Nope. He headed straight towards the car he had rented. We yelled at him, and he yelled at us to get in, and we did. He took off!! We ended up in Vegas for the next few days. His phone was blowing up, but he never answered it. The dude ended up joining the military and left for boot camp just two weeks after all of that happened. He stayed with us and couch surfed for two weeks and disappeared from his bride, her family, and even his. Last I heard of him, he had served multiple tours overseas and was part of a recon unit. Haven’t heard anything else from him for a few years now.”


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