14 Eye-Opening Confessions From A Black Man Who Was Adopted By A White Family


Q: Since you’ve had the experience of a blended family, what ways do you see for us to defeat racism in the United States? I think if anyone has a chance of figuring this out, it would be someone from a mixed family.

A: I’ll preface this by saying this is my own personal opinion, and I am open to talking about it more. 

One person alone can’t solve racism, but I believe it can be worked on by having open conversations like this. People are only segregated because we don’t talk to each other. If we did, we’d realize how much we’re just like each other. But how are we supposed to see each other for who we are when we’re caught up in viewing each other as different? 

Think about it: race truly is just another barrier that we put up to keep ourselves from connecting to one another, preventing us from focusing on other issues.

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